• Delta VFD B Series
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 5
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 4
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 3
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 2
  • Delta VFD B Series
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 5
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 4
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 3
  • Delta VFD B Series datasheet 2

Delta Inverters VFD-B Series 2.2KW VFD022B43A 380V

Series#: Delta VFD

Product Details

  • Delta Inverters VFD-B Series 2.2KW VFD022B43A 220V
  • Output frequency 0.1~400 Hz
  • Adjustable V/f curve and vector control
  • Master/Auxiliary and 1st / 2nd frequency source selectable
  • 16-step speed control and 15-step preset speed process control
  • Built-in PID feedback control
  • Auto torque boost & slip compensation
  • Built-in MODBUS communication, baud rate up to 38400 bps
  • Support communication module (DN-02, LN-01, PD-01)


  1. Delta Inverters VFD-B Series 2.2KW VFD022B43A 220V
  2. Air Conditioners for Large Buildings
  3. Woodcarving Machine
  4. Punching Machine
  5. Wastewater Treatment Systems
  6. Crane Drive and Swivel
  7. Washing Machine
  8. Vertical Stamping Machines
  9. Compressor
  10. Elevator
  11. Escalator
  12. Circular Loom
  13. Flat Knitting Machine
  14. Pasta Machine
  15. Four-Sided Woodworking Planer, etc.

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